Etsy Seller Tips

HI! I’m Vanessa. I’m an Etsy OG, selling on Etsy since 2012. You know, back when it was embarrassing to say you did online sales and total strangers would reply with that judgmental, disapproving tone.

Even though I’ve stepped back a bit to focus on raising my 4 girls, I am still ranked among the top 1% of Etsy shops.

It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows, as I too struggled to get my shop off the ground, but over the years I learned a ton and hope to pass along my knowledge so the next mompreneur or family businesses get be profitable faster than I was.

Here you’ll find my tips and tricks. Feel free to leave a comment if there is a topic I haven’t covered but you are curious about.

Also, be sure to check back frequently, as I will be adding more content over time.