Hello world!

Hi! I’m Vanessa. Welcome to my little corner of the world where I take a moment out of my busy life as mom of three…


Hi! I’m Vanessa. Welcome to my little corner of the world where I take a moment out of my busy life as mom of three beautiful girls to talk about sewing and all things crafts!

Here I am with my belly growing with #4 inside and an insane sleep deprivation from pregnancy, I decided to jump on in and start this blog.

I so admire the current generations of sewing and quilting shops stepping out of their comfort zones and post their video tutorials on YouTube as well as the next generation of crafts posting regularly to and Instagram. It’s really great to see that individual creativity hasn’t died and instead continues to inspire those around us.

I hope to give back to the community as much as they’ve given back to me. There’s so many creative and knowledgeable people out there. I hope you learn a little something each time you come, or at least find some entertainment out of it!